Chart Of The Day: China's Yuan Nearing 3-Year Highs

 | Nov 16, 2021 22:32

Currency investors, made increasingly optimistic by yesterday's direct talks between US President Joseph Biden and China's President Xi Jinping, pushed the USD/CNY toward its highest levels since 2018.

Markets are hoping the first face-to-face summit—albeit virtually—between the leaders of the world's biggest economic superpowers will ease a host of existing tensions including those surrounding diplomatic and trade issues. Both Biden and Jinping spoke of the need for cooperation and talked about stabilizing their ties.

The yuan has been fluctuating this morning, trading at 6.3879 at time of writing. This price marks a rebound for the pair.

Tuesday's low for the yuan, 6.4610, was the lowest level for the Chinese currency since May 14, 2018, when the FX pair closed at 6.3594. This means that the Chinese renminbi is now at its strongest point since that time.

However, just another slight dip for the pair would bring it to its lowest since July 7, 2018, when the USD/CNY closed at 6.3907. That would mean the renminbi was at its strongest position in almost three and a half years.

From an intraday perspective, however, today's low found support by the May 31, 2021 6.3568 low.