Are The Big U.S. Crude Oil Draws Over For Now?

 | Sep 25, 2019 16:09

History is a good predictor of the future, so goes the saying.

And few things might prove that better than backdated U.S. crude inventories, where an extraordinary narrative of chronologically identical draws could be playing out.

Ever since the peak U.S. summer driving season closed out in late August, market participants have wondered how long it would be before the inventory draws that have continued week after week would run out.

The answer it they might already be over, if historical information from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) is to be believed.

Same Trends Last Year And This Year/h3

Large crude draws are common during the mid-cycle of a summer driving season, and they normally begin thinning out as August comes to an end. Blockbuster draws rarely occur after Labor Day, which typically falls in the first week of September, unofficially marking the end of the summer driving season.